Landshark Information Technology

Office 365 Outage

Office 365 Outage

     Recently users of Office 365 started encountering several issues when attempting to sign in to their accounts. Users would be prompted to provide their credentials only to be told that the information was incorrect. The second main issue is that users would be repeatedly prompted to provide their account details. These issues mainly affected the Outlook, OneNote, and OneDrive applications.



     Microsoft tweeted "We’re investigating an issue in which some users may be unable to access Outlook and OneNote. Additional information can be found in the admin center under OC186848 and OL186847 or at" on their Office 365 Status Twitter account.

     Subsequently Microsoft has fixed the large majority of the issues users were facing when trying to sign in to their Office 365 accounts. "We've completed our mitigation actions and have confirmed that the incident is resolved as of 10:24 PM UTC."

     Users may be required to sign into devices again using their account information as the changes roll out. If you are experiencing any issues with logging into your Office 365 account applications feel free to contact Landshark Information Technologies for technical support.

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