Landshark Information Technology

Microsoft to replace Disk Cleanup


     With the Windows 10 October 2018 update fast approaching many of the new and exciting features are being revealed. However, with this update comes the end of the Disk Cleanup utility. Since Windows 98 Disk Cleanup has been an invaluable tool for cleaning up temporary files that do nothing more than clog up drives. A recent example showing the usefulness of the utility is it would recognize and remove as much as 10 GB of data left over from the 2018 April update.

     While more modern cleanup solutions have become popular in recent years notably CCleaner,which will detect additional files that Disk Cleanup would commonly miss and allow you to 'cleanup' your registry. Disk Cleanup was something that you could rely on to get the job done without having to get a 3rd party program. 

     Officially Disk Cleanup has been marked as deprecated, which means that it will be replaced by a newer tool. Currently the Windows 10 Free Up Space utility will be its successor. To run this utility simply navigate to your System > System > Free Up Space Now, let the tool scan your drive and hit "Remove Files".

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