Landshark Information Technology

Windows 7 Extended Security Updates

As previously discussed Microsoft has officially announced the end of official support for Windows 7 will be on January 14, 2020. It was expected however that Microsoft would continue to offer additional support for Windows 7 to larger scale business similarly to what they did for older windows versions. Now details have been made public that outline Microsoft's plans for premium support post January 2020. While this information is not final and subject to change it will give business owners a general idea of the expense sticking with Windows 7 will cost them.

Windows 7 Extended Security Updates will be sold at different price points for Enterprise and Pro versions. Additionally all extended security updates will double in price for each of the following years.

Year 1 (Jan 20-Jan 21)   Enterprise  $25/device      Pro $50/device

Year 2 (Jan 21-Jan 22)   Enterprise  $50/device      Pro $100/device

Year 3 (Jan 22-Jan 23)   Enterprise  $100/device    Pro $200/device


"We believe that the vast majority of customers who need to purchase Windows 7 ESU will need only one year of coverage," was stated in the document relieving the pricing details. It is also known that Windows 7 who are receiving extended security updates will also receive Office 365 ProPlus support, while those systems without ESU will cease to receive Office 365 support. Microsoft has stated that ESU sales will be available through several channels either directly from Microsoft or from partners. 

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